2016 Pulitzer Seminar: Exposing injustices around the world

Hosted by the Pulitzer Prize Administrator's Office in conjunction with the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism
Pulitzer Prize seminar

(photo credit Susan Cook)

Journalists reporting from Southeast Asia, Afghanistan and the Mediterranean won 2016 Pulitzer Prizes. In "Seafood from Slaves," the Associated Press found fishermen shackled to their trade — leading to the release of 2,000 enslaved people.

In her pieces, Alissa Rubin of The New York Times gave voice to Afghan women forced to endure unspeakable cruelties.

Reuters' chief photographer for Greece and Cyprus, Yannis Behrakis, was part of the prize-winning team that shared the honor with The New York Times, documenting the flight of refugees from Syria.

Join these correspondents for a panel discussion led by Dean of Academic Affairs Sheila Coronel.






  • Seminar participants left to right: Megan Mulligan, The Pulitzer Prizes; Margie Mason and Robin McDowell, Associated Press; Alissa Rubin, The New York Times and Yannis Behrakis, Reuters. (All photos by Susan Cook/Columbia University)

  • 2016 seminar panel.

  • Panel moderator Sheila Coronel, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University.

  • Margie Mason and Robin McDowell of the Associated Press, discuss their struggle to locate captive slaves for the "Seafood from Slaves" series, 2016 Public Service winner.

  • Esther Htusan of the Associated Press describes her work as a reporter and translator on "Seafood from Slaves."

  • AP team member, Martha Mendoza, explains how, working in the United States, she researched U.S. companies selling Thai seafood obtained using slave labor.

  • Alissa Rubin of The New York Times talks about her reporting on violence against Afghan women.

  • A student asks Alissa Rubin how convicted Afghan men were treated in jail and in their community.

  • Yannis Behrakis, Reuters photographer, believes his mission is to get his images to the public so no one can say "I didn't know."

  • 2016 panel.

  • A student asks Alissa Rubin, as a foreign reporter, how long does it take before she starts to feel like she can't relate to her life back home?

  • Alissa Rubin talks to students after the panel.

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