The American Frontier: 'Son of the Wilderness' by Linnie Marsh Wolfe

Cultural, diplomatic, economic, military, political, and social factors, or a combination of these features, frequently drive history. Oklahoma Humanities Pulitzer Prize Centennial Series on The American Frontier reflects the influence of individuals on the historical process during the development of the American West.
On November 1, Margery Kingsley, Ph.D. will present on Son of the Wilderness by Linnie Marsh Wolfe.
In 1945, Marsh Wolfe received the Pulitzer Prize posthumously for biography for this book. A librarian and archivist by training, Wolfe became engaged in the life of John Muir while cataloging his papers. She met members of his immediate family, and they urged her to write this book. The book spans the period 1825-1914. Marsh offers a comprehensive examination of the life of the well-known preservationist. Her purpose is to deflate the myths surrounding his life, place him in historical context, reveal his personal life and family relationships, as well as examine the political and cultural arena in which he operated. From an early age Muir found solace in the wilderness and recognized the redeeming aspects of seeing nature unmolested by “progress." His determination to protect the wonders of nature focused on the Yosemite Valley, but his work produced national ramifications. How an individual can make a difference and the preservation of the wilderness are a crucial part of this story.
More in this series:
Across the Wide Missouri by Bernard DeVoto
Presenter John Morris, Ph.D.
The Middle Ground by Richard White
Presenter: David Fennema, Ph.D
Oct. 4, 5:30 p.m.
The Way West by A. B. Guthrie
Presenter: Bruce Treadaway
Dec. 6, 5:30 p.m.
The Son by Philipp Meyer
Presenter: Rebecca Jacobs-Pollez, Ph.D.