Andrew Sean Greer to Speak at 10th Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival

Prize-winning novelist Andrew Sean Greer has been selected to speak at the Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival in January 2019.
The festival will be mainly held at Oxford Bookstore in Kolkata. Other confirmed speakers to be featured at the event include historian Ramchandra Guha, writer Shashi Tharoor, and author Upamanyu Chatterjee. The festival, first held in 2010, will celebrate its 10th anniversary this coming year, and aims to showcase a diverse culture and talent of writers, artists, and creatives.
Greer won the Prize last spring for his novel Less, which the New York Times called "inspired, lyrical" and "ingenious." Less is a humorous commentary on the American abroad and is a tale of time and missed chances. Greer has also written five other bestselling books, including "The Confessions of Max Tivoli."
To find out more about this event, click here.