Being the First: The Pulitzer Prize Edition

Hosted by Barnard College
Dana Canedy, Pulitzer Prize Chief

Someone has to do it first. But what does it take? This new series showcases trailblazers, pioneers, and those who were the first in their field. Taking a look at the journey it took to get there, these candid discussions aim to defeat stereotypes and explore strategies to accomplish personal, professional, and societal goals.

Dana Canedy was named administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes in July 2017, becoming the first woman, the first person of color, and the youngest person to lead the organization in its 101-year history. A former senior editor of The New York Times and an author of the memoir A Journal For Jordan, Canedy now oversees the selection and announces the winners of journalism's most prestigious award. She will be joined for the "First" discussion by Julie Zeilinger '15, editor, writer and founder of the FBomb, the online platform for teenage feminists, and one of 2016 Forbes 30 Under 30. They will talk about Canedy's career in journalism, her new appointment and goals for the Pulitzers, and their thoughts on gender, diversity and the future of journalism.


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