Carl Bernstein at Los Angeles City College

Hosted by Los Angeles Investigative Journalism Lecture Series
Carl Bernstein (Sam Levitan)
Carl Bernstein (Sam Levitan)

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and author Carl Bernstein serves as inaugural speaker of the Los Angeles City College Investigative Journalism Speaker Series. The event begins at 3 p.m. on October 27th in the Student Union Building (3rd Floor Multipurpose Room). 

Alongside Bob Woodward, Bernstein’s reporting on Watergate led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon and fundamentally raised the standard of modern investigative journalism. Their book All the President’s Men became a national bestseller and a movie, featuring Dustin Hoffman as Bernstein and Robert Redford as Woodward. 

Bernstein has since authored five best-selling books and continues to develop a variety of multi-media projects. Additionally, he remains a regular analyst on CNN and contributing editor of Variety Fair. 

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