Dr. Heather Ann Thompson on Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy

Hosted by NYCLA’s Law and Literature Committee

Blood in the Water,' a gripping account of the Attica Prison Uprising ... [which] reads like it was special-ordered for the sweltering summer of 2016."
                                                                                             -- Mark Oppenheimer, New York Times

Join NYCLA's Law and Literature Committee as it welcomes Heather Ann Thompson for a reading and discussion of her Pulitzer Prize winning book that has been called "remarkable" by the New York Times Book review.

Dr. Thompson will discuss one of the most important human rights protests in the last Century and equate it to current conditions in the United States where justice policies and police practices are once again in news on a daily basis. 

About the Author: Heather Ann Thompson is an award-winning historian at the University of Michigan. She has written on the history of mass incarceration and its current impact for The New York Times,Time, The Atlantic, Salon, Dissent, New LaborForum, and The Huffington Post, as well as for various scholarly publications. She served on a National Academy of Sciences blue-ribbon panel that studied the causes and consequences of mass incarceration in the United States and has given congressional staff briefings on this subject. Thompson is also the author of Whose Detroit?: Politics, Labor, and Race in a Modern American City and the editor of Speaking Out: Activism and Protest in the 1960s and 1970s.

Dr. Thompson will receive the 2017 Law and Literature Award for her Pulitzer Prize winning Book.

A reception will immediately follow the program

All full-price attendees will receive a copy of Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy


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