'night, Mother' on Stage

Performed at Tupelo Community Theatre's Off Broadway Stage
Scene from 'night, Mother' at Tupelo Community Theatre's Off Broadway stage.
Jennifer Cummings and Haley Johnson perform "'night, Mother" (Daily Journal). 

Tupelo Community Theatre breathes new life into the mother-daughter drama that stages denial, silence, and despair with unflinching candor. Marsha Norman's "'night, Mother" won the 1983 Prize in Drama and was nominated for the Tony for Best Play. 

Though the subject matter is dark, actresses Jennifer Cummings and Haley Johnson spoke with Daily Journal about uplifting effect of the production. "There are some light moments," Cummings said. "They really love each other and care about each other." Don't miss the power and resonance of this production. 

To find tickets and learn more information, visit here.


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