Oregon's Chehalem Players To Open 'Night, Mother' Run

Hosted by the Chehalem Cultural Center
'Night Mother (Broadway run) 

The Chehalem Repertory will open its run of Pulitzer-winning 'Night Mother on Oct. 26th at the Chehalem Cultural Center in Oregon. 

'Night Mother won the Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1983 for Marsha Norman's complex story about family, suicide and long-held secrets. The play follows a dialogue between a mother and daughter after the daughter confesses that she will take her life that very night.

Frank Rich for The New York Times described the play: "As she perfectly captures the details of two individual, ordinary women, this playwright locates the emptiness that fills too many ordinary homes on too many faceless streets in the vast country we live in now."

The Chehalem Repertory, after six theatrical seasons, has soldified itself in the community of local theater. Directed by Steve Koeppen, 'Night Mother will feature Meghan Daaboul and Virginia Kincaid as Jessie and Thelma Cates, respectively. The run will feature both matinees and evening showings. 

To find more information and to buy tickets, click here. 


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