Pulitzer Week
Hosted by the the University of Maine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Bangor Public Library, the University of Maine Humanities Center, the Bangor Daily News and the Maine Humanities Center

Join us for a series of events to celebrate the centennial of the Pulitzer Prize
The University of Maine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Bangor Public Library are thrilled to host three Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists to celebrate the 100th anniversary of journalism's top award. Each guest will visit journalism classes on campus and participate in a public event at Bangor Public Library.
Pulitzer Week is funded by a grant from the Maine Humanities Council as part of the Pulitzer Prize Centennial Campfires Initiative, with additional funding provided by the University of Maine Humanities Center, and the University of Maine Department of Communication and Journalism's Alan Miller Fund for Excellence in Communication and Journalism. Community partners include Bangor Public Library and the Bangor Daily News.