Ron Chernow to Speak on Latest Book, 'Grant'

Hosted by Maryville Talks Books

Ron Chernow will discuss his latest work at Maryville University in St. Louis as a part of their Maryville Talks Books series on Oct. 26.

Chernow won the Pulitzer Prize in 2011 for his biography of George Washington, Washington: A Life. His latest book, Grant, explores the life of Ulysses S. Grant. Grant, Chernow argues, often is perceived as an inept political and social figure but he aims provide a more holistic understanding of Grant's life and rapid rise and fall. Signed copies will be for sale at the event. 

The New York Times wrote of Grant, "Books of its caliber by writers of Chernow’s stature are rare, and this one qualifies as a major event ... There are ways in which Grant’s times eerily resemble our own … Indispensable.”

Chernow is also well-known for his biography of Alexander Hamilton which served as the inspiration for the hit musical Hamilton

To find more information about this event, click here. 


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