Siddhartha Mukherjee to Speak

Hosted by Vanderbilt University

Oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee will speak at Vanderbilt University on Nov. 1 as a part of university Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos' Chancellor Lecture series. 

Mukherjee is known for his ability to blend the personal with the scientific, creating sensitive and informative works that explore medical history and culture. Mukherjee won the Prize for general nonfiction in 2011 for his book, "The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer." His most recent work, "The Gene: An Intimate History," was a New York Times bestseller and will be the focus of this event's presentation. Mukherjee is currently an associate professor of medicine at Columbia University. 

Mukherjee will deliver a keynote address and a question-and-answer session with Zeppos will follow. To learn more, click here.  

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