South Carolina Press Association Annual Meeting Educational Sessions

Hosted by the South Carolina Press Association
Till Death Do Us Part
Splash page for Till Death Do Us Part, The Post and Courier's (Charleston, SC) 2015 Public Service Prize-winning series (Post and Courier).

The 2016 South Carolina Press Association Annual Meeting educational sessions will celebrate 100 years of excellence in journalism by featuring 2015 Pulitzer Prize winning journalists from The Post and Courier, as well as Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker, a 2010 Pulitzer winner. All educational sessions will be held Saturday, March 19, at The Marriott in downtown Columbia, South Carolina. Sessions are free and open to all journalists.

Pulitzer Backstory, featuring a panel of journalists from The Post and Courier

9:30-10:30 a.m.

Carolina Ballroom F-H

Winners of the 2015 Pulitzer Public Service gold medal from The Post and Courier will talk about “Till Death Do Us Part,” a riveting series about the deadly toll that domestic violence takes on South Carolina women and how good journalism can lead to real change. Panelists will offer the backstory on their efforts, including database reporting, and give a brief update on the legislative response to the series. The team will give insight to fellow S.C. reporters on investigative and public service journalism and talk about how the Pulitzer has inspired future projects. Staffers from newspapers of any size will be encouraged and leave with tips for good journalism that makes a difference.

Washington Background, featuring Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker

10:45-11:45 a.m.

Carolina Ballroom F-H

An entertaining speaker on politics and culture, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker will talk about the Washington scene and upcoming presidential election. Parker writes a twice-weekly column on politics and culture for The Post and is syndicated across the country, including in a number of S.C. newspapers. She received the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 2010 for “her perceptive, often witty columns on an array of political and moral issues, gracefully sharing the experiences and values that lead her to unpredictable conclusions.” Parker has ties to the Palmetto State. She has a home in Camden, attended Converse College in Spartanburg and once taught at the USC J-School.

More details about the event can be found here.

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