Teamwork and the Pulitzer Prize: Ball State alums showcase award-winning journalism
Hosted by Ball State University, Muncie, IN

Ball State University alumni Bob Jonason (right) and Mike Hanley, part of the editorial team at the News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Ind.) that won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Local General or Spot News Reporting, shared their work at Ball State on Feb. 22.
In celebration of the Pulitzer Centennial, the Ball State University Department of Journalism is hosting a professional-in-residence program devoted to university alumni recognized for their team contributions to Pulitzer Prize winning projects.
Bob Jonason, B.S. ’80, Mike Hanley, M.S. ’78 and Mike Kellams, B.S. ’94 will share their experiences at the News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne), Chicago Tribune and The Seattle Times.
The panel presentation, scheduled for Monday, Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m. in The David Letterman Communication and Media Building, LB 125, is open to the public.
Earlier in the day, journalism students will participate in special discussion groups focusing on Pulitzer-winning work produced by journalists such as Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein and Indiana native Ernie Pyle.
The professional-in-residence program brings leading national figures from journalism, advertising and public relations to deliver lectures, visit classes and critique student portfolios.