'Wit' by Margaret Edson

A beautiful story of life and the looming question of what happens next, Aurora Theatre invites audiences to experience the powerful 1999 Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece "Wit," playing January 14-February 7. Detailing the final days of Dr. Vivian Bearing’s battle with stage IV ovarian cancer, "Wit" is a poetic journey through the English professor’s reflection on her life and the relationship between patient and healer.
“As cancer survivors, this play is extremely personal for both myself and partner Ann-Carol,” said Producing Artistic Director Anthony Rodriguez. “Although the type of cancer is very specific in Wit, the brilliance of the play is we have all been, in some way, affected by cancer. Ultimately, Vivian’s personal battle with cancer in the play serves to comfort and inspire every person who has fought, every person who has triumphed and every person we have lost along the way.”
Directed by Tlaloc Rivas and written by Atlanta teacher Margaret Edson, this exhilarating story of self-realization and strength takes a deeper look into humanity and one woman’s bold journey of accepting it. As Professor Bearing undergoes experimental treatment for cancer, she begins to reflect upon her condition through the intricacies of the English language, most predominantly wit, seen in the metaphysical poetry of favorite author John Donne. A harrowing one-act drama of laughter and heartfelt emotion, audiences will experience an unfiltered glimpse at the rigorous toll cancer takes on Professor Bearing’s life and witness firsthand her journey from teacher to student of life.