Jean Jules Jusserand and the centennial of the United States participation in World War One

Sponsored by La Mission du Centenaire and the World War One Centennial Commission
Jean Jules Jusserand (center)

In April 1917, President Wilson convinced the American Congress to declare war to Germany. The participation of the United States together with France and the Allies led us to the final victory. While recalling these key moments of World War I, French and American historians will reveal the major role played by the French ambassador in Washington from 1903 to 1925: Jean Jules Jusserand.

Jusserand won the 1917 Pulitzer Prize in History for his book With Americans of Past and Present Days.

His knowledge of the American civilization, his close ties with several presidents of the United Stated, and his long diplomatic career seem to be outstanding and one hundred years later his life and his work deserve the possibility that commemorations, conferences and ceremonies take place where his memory is still lively: in Washington, Paris, Lyon and in the village of Saint-Haon-le-Châtel, France, his family roots and his burial place.

During 2 days, on the 27th and 28th of May 2017, conferences, commemorations, expositions and visits will be organized precisely in Saint-Haon-le-Châtel, in connection with the life and career of Jean Jules Jusserand and with the relationships between France and the United States.


  • Conferences (held by American and French professors): History of the relationships between the United Stated and France from the 18th century until nowadays - Jean Jules Jusserand: his life and his achievements - Jean Jules Jusserand: his role in 1917 in the participation of the United States in World War One - Jean Jules Jusserand: a very unique diplomacy - United Stated, France and Europe: what kind of relationship for the 21st century? - Jean Jules Jusserand and Saint-Haon-le-Châtel.
  • Commemorations: War memorial and Jean Jules Jusserand memorial in Saint-Haon-le-Châtel.
  • Exposition: “Jean Jules Jusserand” (pictures, paintings, personal belongings) and book selling.
  • American-French dinner.
  • Visit of the properties in Saint-Haon-le-Châtel that belonged then to Jean Jules Jusserand.

Besides these 2 days of activities, a student exchange will be organized in April/May 2017 between a middle school in France where Jean Jules Jusserand studied and a middle school in Washington. They will work together in a commemoration project in their respective school. Celebrations could be hold at the monuments dedicated to Jean Jules Jusserand in Rock Creek Park, Washington (inaugurated by FD Roosevelt) and in Saint-Haon-le-Châtel, France.

The people in charge of such an event live in Saint-Haon-le-Châtel; they like deeply their village, its history and history in general. They are supported by the descendants of Jean Jules Jusserand and are gathered in an association “Les amis de Jean Jules Jusserand”, Société Histoire et Patrimoine de Saint-Haon-le-Châtel.

In the United States, this event has the official support of the World War One Centennial Commission, established by the World War One Centennial Commission Act, passed by the Congress and signed by President Obama‬‬‬. In France, the event is officially sponsored by La Mission du Centenaire, a public interest grouping, funded in 2012, under the authority of the French government.

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